
Leads are king no matter what business you are in. Veretekk is a lead generation system we stand behind. Affiliate, network marketers, internet marketers, and e-book marketers can all benefit from our system.

Location: Hudson, Michigan, United States

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Marketing Strategies to Put Yourself Out of Business

Want to learn how to lose a billion dollars?

Just follow the marketing strategies used by GM , Ford and Daimler Chrysler. Yes some of the largest corporations in the world are missing some basic tenants of marketing and its worth taking a look at what they're doing wrong so you don't make the same mistakes. You don't want the following headline written about your company.

"GM Hits Billion Dollar more...

Portal Marketing
Originally Posted on 8/31/2005 8:23:31 PMContent source:

Money, traffic, leads & cerainty

I am posting this in a rush. "Why?" you may ask. Well, it is not everyday thatI am completely blown away by something as spectacular as what I am about to tell you about. If you are in a hurry, just click the link below:

What if I told you of a system that will make you money, send you truckloads of real visitors, build your mailing list and so much more it will baffle you?
Now what if I told you this all happens without you having to do one stitch of work? Would you be blown away as well?

And just incase you thought that is it, it will also help you reach Leviathan status in InstantBuzz
Oh, and did I mention it is free? I could go on and on, but rather form your ownopinion by following the link below:

You don't want to miss out on this one
Kind Regards


Direct Mail

I put together a new site with Smartoptinpages. This features a Direct Mail product that has a wonderful payout. The pages rotate 100 different key words and random text. Very nifty software. We will see how it does. The proof will be in the paycheck!
