
Leads are king no matter what business you are in. Veretekk is a lead generation system we stand behind. Affiliate, network marketers, internet marketers, and e-book marketers can all benefit from our system.

Location: Hudson, Michigan, United States

Thursday, August 04, 2005

How To Write Creative Marketing Newsletters?

"How do I keep the ideas coming so I can continue writing creative newsletters?" - W.L.

My best souce of ideas are my prospects and clients. Prospects send me questions, clients describe their concerns and problems. Each marketing question or problem posed provides the topic for a potential marketing article. Each time I get an inquiry or after talking to a client, I jot down any marketing ideas. more...

Portal Marketing
Originally Posted on 8/4/2005 8:36:35 PMContent source:

I Just Want To Make Money So I Can Leave My Job

"I don't enjoy my job and just want to make enough money so I can quit it, what do I do." - Allison

You'll be far more successful if you focus on finding a job you love. There is an almost infinite array of options for those people who seek out work they enjoy. People make a living at everything from teaching skiing or piano to running corporations. In each case, those that are successful are the more...

Portal Marketing
Originally Posted on 8/4/2005 8:17:18 PMContent source:

Site Made w/Traffic Panther

I made a site with Traffic Panther and thought I would share the experience. It went fairly well and is very easy to go back through the 9 steps to polish your work. I still have a couple of images to put in, but overall it gets an 8 out of 10 rating for ease of use.

The killer thing is that the software built 25 highly optimized web pages (1 for each key word) in mere minutes. This included my adsense code and a RSS feed!

It makes complete sense to me to have this tool. It is FREE after all.

PS. here is a second site:

Get Traffic Panther here:

how to make a boat-load of money even if your products don't sell

**How To Get 1000's Of Free Visits From Google This Week
**How You Can Make $600 A Week Even If No One Buys Your
Online Product Or Your Affiliate Product!
**How To Get Listed On Google In 3 Days Guaranteed
**Plus... How To Make A Fortune Giving These Secrets
Away For Free
, Check this out...
....How would You like to Divert 1000’s of fresh,
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web site from Google, Yahoo, MSN and others At $0
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sites eagerly linking to your web site no questions
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Whether you’re selling Fruit Baskets, an MLM
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As long as you’re selling a product from a
web site or from an affiliate web site you
can now divert 1000’s of targeted visitors
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new software program called...
...."The Traffic Panther"
==Get The Traffic Panther at $0 Cost Today====
Yes... you heard right!
In just a moment, you can get fr*e access to
this amazing software program "The Traffic Panther".
This software will allow you to do everything I
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buttons. You do nothing else guaranteed.
Go to the link below and You'll quickly see
how to use it tonight and begin diverting 1000's
of Targeted visitors from major search engines
to your web site right away.
In Addition...
This Program will Automatically Get 100's of other
people eagerly placing a link to your web site on
their web site no questions asked.
PLUS... you'll see how you can give the software
away to others for fr*e and make a "boat-load"
of money while you do it.
Can you guess how many people online would love to
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The number is staggering, and so is the potential
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to them for fr*e.
NOTE: This is a Limited Offer.
We can only allow 487 people to take full
advantage of this amazing new traffic generating
program and make money giving it away for fr*e.
I urge you to Check out the full details while it's
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I promise, this is no gimmick and I Guarantee
you'll be blown away by what you find!
Click Below Now - If the link is non operational,
please know this promotional offer has ended:
Be Safe, be courteous...
Jodi Hans
The Traffic Panther
P.S. Everyone wants and needs web traffic. The
Traffic Panther software program is hands down
the most revolutionary new way to get search engine
traffic Flooding your web site within days.
Plus see how you can earn money giving it away
to others for Fr*e.
P.P.S. 46% of all web sites are discovered
through Search Engine traffic. Do Not wait a
moment longer to begin using search engines to
get 1000's of people coming to your web site
looking exactly for what you have to offer...