Do you enjoy marketing your business?
When you wake up in the morning do you look forward to going to work, marketing your products and services and delivering them? Or do you dread going to work?
Yesterday I got a call from someone looking for help marketing her business who said she hated her work. It's tough to promote something, even if its a valuable service if you hate doing it. My advice was to either find a way to really get more...
Portal Marketing
Originally Posted on 7/22/2005 7:37:13 PMContent source:
Yesterday I got a call from someone looking for help marketing her business who said she hated her work. It's tough to promote something, even if its a valuable service if you hate doing it. My advice was to either find a way to really get more...
Portal Marketing
Originally Posted on 7/22/2005 7:37:13 PMContent source: